What is Fancy Nonsense?

My life is full and beautiful and at the same time broken and messy.  After many years of trying to get pregnant I am now a mother of 3, and all under 3 years apart.  My husband and I decided that I would be a full-time mom while he works outside the home.  Most days are filled with laughter, playing, crying, piss on the floor, time outs, Dora (I’m so sick of her), reading books, tickles, spills, naps, snacks, parks, museums, play dates, surfing Pinterest, scrolling through Facebook, making dinner, cleaning, laundry, doing dishes, wiping bottoms, kisses, hugs, tantrums, and I’m sorry.

Like many “mom blogs” out there this is a way to connect with the outside world ( I do make it out of the house sometimes.)  I have a love for creating and trying new things.  It doesn’t always have to be beautiful or perfect, (never are my projects perfect) but a short and sweet DIY project is like the happy hours I used to go to on Friday nights. When I am working on one, I am able to unwind and at the end of a few hours see progress.  In the work of mothering so often the effort put forth looks like it is constantly undone.  The table is messy after cleaning it, the pants are pooped in after new ones are put on.  Lunch is not cleaned up before I hear “I’m hungry”  and laundry is NEVER FRECKIN FINISHED.  To see some ugly furniture spray painted is like seeing a part of the world redeemed.  It’s addicting.  So I share here, because like my mom always said, “Sometimes you just need to share with your girlfriends”

I would love to know if something I have done here strikes your fancy.  I am thankful for the opportunity I have to work here in this space.

My family 2011 (We have another kid now. HA!   I make kids faster than I can update a photo.

3 thoughts on “What is Fancy Nonsense?

  1. Lauren,
    Love your blog, especially the TJ’s stuff. Since I work there I get to taste all the new stuff and would recommend you try the new PB&J bar. Totally yummy and takes me back to childhood PB&J sandwiches.


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